Through Gates of Splendour (Book 18)

By: snowgood

Jul 16 2019

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Category: adventure, aircraft, Christianity, GOD, Hope, Jesus, Love, Mission, Witness


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At last I’ve read this classic book!

It centres around five American men working with MAF as they set out to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the Aucas.

These savages of Ecuador livedin obscurity within the Amazonian rain forest.

They were beyond the realms of the every day people of urban Ecuador, and feared by many natives.

In their culture suspicion was the norm, and “Witch Doctors” held sway.

Intial contact with this remote people group was made via contractors working with Shell Petroleum. They were pretty uthless with anyone who got in the way.

Against this backdrop five zealous American’s came to share The Good News of Jesus Christ.

They hoped to befriend the savages, and turn a tide of violence into a life centred on a God of Love.

They knew it would be risky, and diligently sought to reach them with acts of kindness.

Elisbath Elliot tells the story of her husband, and 4 colleagues who landed on “Palm Beach” but never came back.

A fitting tribute to Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully and Roger Youderian.  They like Christ laid down their lives to reach an ungrateful people.

After the tragedy Elisbaeth Elliot went to live with the tribe that killed her husand and saw lives transformed.

This short book is a compelling page turner.

What SHOUTS OUT LOUD is the author’s lack of malice, and incredible faith.

Who today would choose to bring up a family in and around the people who murdered their husband?

Yet this is what “Christian service” meant to these missionaries.

A Five Star Book – which reads well 60 years on, with not a hint of being “out of date”.

When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. Now, most people would not be willing to die for an upright person, though someone might perhaps be willing to die for a person who is especially good. But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.

Romans 5: 6-8 NLT


7 comments on “Through Gates of Splendour (Book 18)”

  1. There is also a very good movie (End of the Spear).

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